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Grange Foundation Sponsors National Ag-In-The-Classroom

Have an idea for an agricultural literacy project? Want to attend the 2023 National Agriculture in the Classroom national conference in Orlando, Florida, but can’t afford to do so? The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA) is now accepting applications for the White-Reinhardt Grant program for agricultural literacy projects and the 2023 Scholarship program for support to attend the national conference. Applications for both programs are due Oct. 15, and go through a review process involving the applicant’s state Farm Bureau.

Conference Scholarships Available
White-Reinhardt Applications Due Oct. 15

This scholarship program is to provide travel expense funds to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference and then use the information gained to expand their outreach to students regarding food, fiber and fuel.

The White-Reinhardt Fund for Education is a special project of the Foundation in cooperation with the AFB Women’s Leadership Committee. It was established to honor two former chairs of that committee, Berta White and Linda Reinhardt, who were leaders in the national effort to improve agricultural literacy.

Scholarship Online Application


The White-Reinhardt Fund for Education is a special funding opportunity from the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture® in cooperation with the American Farm Bureau® Women’s Leadership Committee. It was established to honor two former chairs of that committee (Berta White and Linda Reinhardt, leaders in the national effort to improve agricultural literacy) by enlarging agricultural literacy efforts across the United States. The mini-grant is one of two components of the fund.


Grants are offered to state and county Farm Bureaus in amounts up to $1,500 for ag literacy programs for grades K-12. Eligibility: Grants are on a competitive basis with priority given to those programs demonstrating a need for financial support.

Grant Application Timeline

There will be two application cycles throughout the year.


For more information contact ngfb@grange.org