1616 H Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Mon - Fri 8 AM - 5 PM (Eastern Time)
Sat - Sun CLOSED

Junior Grange

Most of our National Grange officers are the product of the Grange Youth and Junior programs. We were given opportunities as children and young people to learn leadership skills and then to put those skills into practical application within the Grange.

I want to urge each member, and each Grange, to invest in our Juniors and Youth today. This generation has so much potential to help build our organization. We need to give them the chance to learn and grow into the leaders we need.

Your generous donation will be used by the Junior and Youth Departments to build leaders for our organization as well as your Community Grange.

Join with me in renewing our support for both of these fantastic programs!”

The Junior Grange Fund is a dedicated fund, the income and principal may be spent for the dedicated purpose only.

Visit the Junior Grange website!

Donate to the Junior Grange Fund