1616 H Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Mon - Fri 8 AM - 5 PM (Eastern Time)
Sat - Sun CLOSED

Community & Leadership

In August 2012, the Grange Foundation board approved the Community and Leadership Development fund to support efforts by Granges across the country and the National Grange that have impact on communities in which Granges are located and on the personal growth of Grange members.  Grants and contributions will fund many initiatives such as scholarships to attend leadership training opportunities, community service projects that impact rural areas, and more. Further, the fund will help the National, State and local Granges to fulfill their mission of educating large and small communities about agriculture, civic engagement, voting and advocacy, conservation, life skills and many other areas of interest.

We seek grants from foundations, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations or bequeathments.  Please contact our Lecturer and Foundation Associate by phone at 301-943-1090 to learn more about donor options.

If you are a grant seeker, inquiries may be made to Grange Foundation President Christine Hamp at champ@nationalgrange.org.  Contributions may be sent to Grange Foundation, Attn: Community and Leadership Development Fund, 1616 H. St. NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006.

Donate to the Community & Leadership Development Fund