1616 H Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Mon - Fri 8 AM - 5 PM (Eastern Time)
Sat - Sun CLOSED




Platinum Sponsor ($20,000 or more annual investment)

  • Press release to national media announcing contribution as a new or upgraded sponsor of the Grange Foundation
  • One-time, one paragraph announcement of support as a new or upgraded sponsor in the National Grange E-Newsletter and Good DayTM magazine
  • Speaking opportunity at the National Grange annual convention
  • Complimentary exhibit space at the National Grange annual convention
  • Sponsor logo displayed at the National Grange annual convention through onsite signage and in the convention printed program
  • Sponsor logo displayed in general sponsor listing on slides shown before convention sessions
  • Featured one-time as a new sponsor or upgraded sponsor on social media channels
  • Logo displayed in the National Grange E-Newsletter and Good DayTM magazine
  • Logo displayed on the Grange Foundation website with a link to the sponsors’ website
  • Recognized on the sponsor recognition wall in the main entrance of the National Grange headquarters


Gold Sponsor: ($10,000 – $19,999 annual investment)

  • Press release to national media announcing contribution as a new or upgraded sponsor of the Grange Foundation
  • Announcement as a sponsor in a one-time listing of new sponsors or upgraded sponsors in National Grange E-Newsletter and Good DayTM magazine
  • Speaking opportunity at the National Grange annual convention
  • Complimentary exhibit space at the National Grange annual convention
  • Sponsor logo displayed at the National Grange annual convention through onsite signage and in the convention printed program
  • Sponsor logo displayed in general sponsor listing on slides shown before convention sessions
  • Featured one-time as a new or upgraded sponsor sponsor on social media channels
  • Logo displayed in the National Grange E-Newsletter and Good DayTM magazine
  • Logo displayed on the Grange Foundation website with a link to the sponsors’ website
  • Recognized on the sponsor recognition wall in the main entrance of the National Grange headquarters.


Silver Sponsor: ($5,000 – $9,999 annual investment)

  • Complimentary exhibit space at the National Grange annual convention
  • Acknowledgement at the National Grange annual convention through onsite signage and in the convention printed program
  • Included in general sponsor listing on slides shown before convention sessions
  • Featured one-time as a new or upgraded sponsor on social media channels
  • Listed as a sponsor in the National Grange E-Newsletter and Good DayTM magazine
  • Listed as a sponsor on the Grange Foundation website with a link to the sponsors’ website
  • Recognized on the sponsor recognition wall in the main entrance of the National Grange headquarters


Bronze Sponsor: ($2,500 – $4,999 annual investment)

  • Acknowledgement at the National Grange annual convention in the conference printed program
  • Featured one-time as a new sponsor on social media channels
  • Listed as a sponsor in the National Grange E-Newsletter and Good DayTM magazine
  • Listed as a sponsor on the Grange Foundation website with a link to the sponsors’ website
  • Recognized on the sponsor recognition wall in the main entrance of the National Grange headquarters