1616 H Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Mon - Fri 8 AM - 5 PM (Eastern Time)
Sat - Sun CLOSED

Deaf Awareness Grant Program Application

A fund was developed within the National Grange Foundation for the purpose of supporting deaf activities within the Grange. Because funds are still available, this grant program is being offered to assist states with funding various deaf awareness activities. In the past these grants helped Granges in Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington.



Any State Grange is eligible to apply for a grant to assist with a worthwhile project that may be planned within the state. Community Granges can apply through their State Grange.



Grant applications will be due on May 1st to the National Grange Foundation. If you are mailing it please send to National Grange Foundation, Attn: Deaf Grant, 1616 H St. NW, Washington, DC 20006 or e-mail it to info@grangefoundation.org.



Grants up to a maximum of $1,000.00 will be awarded to each approved application, and will be awarded to the State Grange. The State Grange will have the option of transferring those funds to the Community or Pomona Grange conducting the deaf activity included in the grant application.

A maximum of two grants will be awarded per year.

Grants may be awarded for any project that enhances deaf education. Creativity and uniqueness of the projects will be factored into the selection process. The Grange Foundation is looking for projects with not only an impact on deaf education but plans that involve members working with deaf community in some way. The Foundation will give preference to Granges who are doing more than fundraising.



This should be in document form and include the following information:

Name of State Grange
Name and Address of Contact Person
Date of Submission
Name of the Project
Description of the Project
Anticipated number of people involved
Anticipated impact on the Grange (State and/or Local)
Anticipated impact on the Community or State
Other anticipated results of the project